Go to sorare.com/invite to copy or directly share your referral link. You can track the invitations sent directly on this page and see how you are progressing towards earning rewards.
When you share your link, only invite your friends and close community. It is not acceptable to spam referral links where influencers, footballers, leagues or clubs talk about Sorare. Please respect these communities.
- Promoting your referral code through paid advertising is prohibited and will result in a ban
- Promoting your referral code through promotional offers or gifts (gifts/draws/contests) is prohibited and will result in a 15-day ban from Sorare and a permanent ban from the Referral Program
- Do not spam referral links; only use them with friends or acquired audiences (if you are an influencer)
- We have fraud detection, and suspicious referrals will not receive a referral bonus
- You cannot use both the referral system and the affiliate program; the affiliate program is recommended for businesses and individuals who manage a blog, a community, or social media channels with a certain number of followers